CHCT’s Staff and Fellows are engaged in the study of the modern Chinese house church. Read our guest responses, study guides, and commentary on the writings of the house church below.
K.A. Ellis on Church in the Wilderness
K.A. Ellis is the Director of the Edmiston Center for the Study of the Bible and Ethnicity in Atlanta, Georgia. She's passionate about theology, human rights, and global religious freedom. Her research explores Christian endurance from society's margins, particularly in places where it's most difficult to live the Christian life.
Allen Yeh on The Primary Colors of Sin
Dr. Allen Yeh is Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies and Missiology at Biola University and the author of Polycentric Missiology: 21st Century Mission from Everyone to Everywhere.
Bruce Ashford on The Political Dimension of the Gospel
Bruce Ashford is Senior Fellow at the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology (Cambridge, U.K.). He was formerly a professor and provost at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Matt Zhao on The Lord is Preparing a Deliverer
Matt Zhao (pseudonym) was born in China to a Christian family and became a Christian while in college. He received seminary training in the United States, completing both an MDiv and PhD. He serves in one of the historic house church networks in China.
Hannah Anderson on Walking with God in the Last Days
HANNAH R. ANDERSON is an author and Bible teacher who lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her husband, Nathan, and three children. She is an author and podcaster.
Andrew Katay on Creation and Consummation: The Church as the Goal of History
Andrew Katay is the Senior Minister of Christ Church Inner West, a multi-site church in Sydney, Australia. He is also the CEO of City to City Australia, a church planting and leadership development agency that seeks to see a gospel movement in the cities of Australia.
Jay Harvey on Spiritual Formation in the House Church Seminary
Rev. Dr. Jay Harvey is the Scholar in Residence at Exilic Church in New York City. He was formerly the Executive Director of RTS New York City and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology.
Study Guides
Download our study guides and responses by thinkers outside of China. Then read them with your small group, missions committee or international student ministry.
These guides include an Introduction, Outline and Summary, a Response by a Western thinker, and Discussion Questions. You are granted full permission to print, replicate, and use these resources for non-commercial ministry purposes only. Send us your feedback at info@housechurchtheology.com.

Original pieces
Introduction to The Primary Colors of Sin by Ryan Zhang
Introduction to The Political Dimension of the Gospel by T. Jarred Jung
Introduction to Walking with God in the Last Days by T. Jarred Jung
Introduction to Creation and Consummation: The Church as the Goal of History by T. Jarred Jung
Introduction to Spiritual Formation in the House Church Seminary by Urban Farmer
Introduction to Before Sending Someone Abroad for Seminary by Urban Farmer
What is the House Church? Before Sending Someone Abroad for Seminaryby CHCT staff
An Interview with J.D. Tseng by CHCT staff