Founding Church Partners

The Center for House Church Theology publishes books and articles by leaders committed to the historic gospel of grace in China’s urban house churches.

CHCT is looking for 20 churches to partner with us at $250 or more/month.

Your partnership will give us a solid foundation to build our future on.

Founding Church Partner Benefits

Our Publications

You’ll receive a welcome packet of our executive summary, as well as examples of the books, articles, and study guides we’ve published so far.

Book Discounts

You can order all CHCT books at 50% off for your church, using our author discount.

Video Calls

We’ll hold two group video calls a year to coach anyone who would like to use our resources to learn from the Chinese house church.

What We’ve Done

The Global Translation Project

The perspective of the Chinese house church is important for the world to hear, but particularly for other contexts where Christians are under political and cultural pressure or outright persecution.

Due to generous partners, our website and articles are now available in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, and Indonesian.

Our goal is to also translate our entire website into Farsi, Arabic, Hindi, and other languages.

Books and Publications

We’ve also sold thousands of books and heard from pastors, scholars, and readers across the theological spectrum that they have been inspired, convicted, and called to pray for the church in China through engaging with the content we have published.

Award-Winning Books

Long-Form Articles and Sermons

Study Guides and Responses from Thought Leaders

Books We’re Working On

A field guide for marginalized churches in other countries

A book of prayers from the house church

Writings from women in the house church

Gospel reflections on every Psalm

A theology of persecution

Chinese sermon series on entire books of the Bible

Read our 2023 Executive Summary

  • A Brief History

  • Future Books & Translations

  • Praise & Testimonials

How to Give

  • Make checks payable to:

    Center for House Church Theology
    6425 Living Place, Suite 200
    Pittsburgh, PA 15206

    • Business Name: Center for House Church Theology from Urban China

    • Business Mailing Address: 6425 Living Place, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

    • Bank Name: Citizen’s Bank

    • Branch Address: One Citizens Drive Riverside, RI 02915

    • Swift Code: CTZIUS33

    • Account Number: 6320569216

    • ACH Routing Number: 036076150

The Center for House Church Theology is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Please contact Clara Kim at if you have any other questions about giving.